Wednesday, January 26, 2011

fast forward to home

Hey everyone!
As I write this I am actually sitting on a couch in my apartment in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm sorry for the lapse in posts - we had no internet access in Pune while we stayed at the YMCA hotel. Additionally, I was stuck with a pretty nasty foreign bug that kept me in bed as much as I could be.  Not sure how I picked it up, but it was not fun.

We arrived in Grand Rapids yesterday morning.  The 16 hour plane ride from Mumbai to Newark was not bad! I think the excitement of home helped to pass the time. My parents picked me up at the airport, and I've been reconnecting with friends ever since.

It feels very odd to be back in the United States after we've had such a worldy perspective on life during the past month. So quickly we're returned to the realities of our lives here - school, responsibilities, relationships... my prayer is that the lessons I learned in India would be ingrained in my heart, that I would never forget them.  I'm still processing everything that the trip meant to me, so more posts are likely to come.

Thank you for following along in my blog. It's amazing to me how many people ended up reading this! It was incredible to feel your support even so far away. Thank you!

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