Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hello from India!
After 2 days straight of traveling, we have finally made it to Jamkhed.  Today was just an explosion of India - I feel overstimulated and exhausted from everything that we experienced today during our 11 hour bus ride from Mumbai to Jamkhed.  There were smells of burning wood, trash, dung, spices, pollution, sulfer... all wrapped into one.  There were people everywhere, goats in the streets, innumerable cars shoving their way down the highways (which look like backroads to me) without traffic lights or any type of traffic laws.  I can't even begin to describe everything that we've experienced in just one day in India.

I'm short on time tonight because the library closes at 10pm, but wanted to send a quick update while I could.  Please continue to pray for our group's safety, and also for me in particular... I seem to be having a difficult time adjusting today. Maybe it's all the travel and I'm just exhausted, but today I've been pretty homesick, and missing people in Michigan. Please pray that I would be able to enjoy my time here, and that the time would pass appropriately and not drag on.

Tomorrow we tour the Compound, including the new hospital that was just built.  We also have our first class session about Jamkhed - the history, people, current status, etc. No rest for the wicked! Weary? However that expression goes, I'm headed to bed.

All my love to my roommates, family, friends, and boyfriend.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn,
    After traveling for two long days, in a country and culture so different from your own, you MUST be exhausted, with your days and nights all mixed up! Your concerns may ease as you are able to get some rest. We are praying for you, whenever you come to mind, and that's pretty much, well, all the time.

    Try remembering this: WORRY replaced by PRAYER equals TRUST. Give all your concerns to God, trust Him completely, and allow Him to bless you with a meaningful and enjoyable time in India. Our love and hugs, Dad and Mom

    Philippians 4:6-7:
    Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (NLT)
