Tuesday, December 21, 2010

just under the two week mark!

Here it is: a map of the country of India. Where we are going, although it is kinda blurry, is the pink Regional State in the southwest part of India called Maharastra.  That's where Jamkhed is.  And, crazy enough, India has it's own time zone - it's 10.5 hours ahead of Michigan.  Just some info that we've learned in the past few weeks.

So I'm starting to pack things up as our departure date draws nearer.  On our packing list are some interesting details, including packs of tissues to use as toliet paper (for squatty potties that supply no toilet paper for you), 5 safety pins for the women to pin up and wear sari's (can't wait for this!), a tub of peanut butter for when Indian food is not very appetizing, and an around the neck passport holder for the times when we're in the city or otherwise sight-seeing. 

I can't believe it's almost time to go.  At this point, I go from being really excited to really anxious.  I'd appreciate any prayers for safety, especially all of our plane rides, and for God's blessings on our trip.  Well, that's all I have to say for now.
-Carolyn  (13 days till departure)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooo excited for you. You are going to have a wonderful experience. We'll be praying for you and your group. Love ya
